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The MYS staff offers a week-long program of musical work, fun, and learning to challenge our musicians.


Open to MYS and non-MYS members.

Strings through summer after 9th grade

Band through 12th grade!


June 23-27, 2025

Full Day: 8am - 3pm

Half Day Camp (1st year strings): 8am - 12pm

(may opt for 8-3pm with additional fee)

830 E 2nd Ave, Mesa, AZ 85204

All Groups FREE concert on Friday,

June 27th at 6:30pm.


 All full day campers will audition for placement

Auditions Tues. 6/3-Fri. 6/6

MYS office - 49 W. 1st Street, Mesa

Placement Requirements:

  1. One to two minute solo or etude (student's choice)

  2. Strings: Two Scales selected from C, G, D, A, F, Bb (Please play as many octaves as you know.) 

        Winds: Concert Bb, Concert F, Chromatic Scale 

  1. Short sight-reading excerpt


Registration Open

Full Day $300 (Scholarships Available)

Half Day Camp $200 (first year strings only)


Camp Registration
Brochure pdf

Registration Opens
March 1, 2025

Elective Offerings

Yoga for Musicians

Participants will become familiar with a set of basic yoga poses that can help improve posture and balance, ease tension, and build flexibility. Be sure that clothing worn to this class will not restrict stretches for the arms or legs.

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